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The Burlington Bike Path and Waterfront Park
by Rick Sharp

This map depicts the 7.9 mile Burlington Bike Path along the Lake Champlain Shoreline connecting parks along the way. From "pie-in-the-sky" dream to the #1 Attraction for Burlington on Trip Advisor in a little over a decade. This is the story of how that was accomplished.
This aerial drone photo of the Causeway is now available by mail order. For $30 we will send you a 16 x 20 inch copy with an acid-free backing suitable for framing.

But the story doesn't end there. Chapter 15 recounts the struggle to extend the Burlington Bike Path across the Winooski River and out onto the old abandoned 4 mile railroad causeway to the Lake Champlain Islands. That rehabilitated railbed is now known as the Island Line Trail. Chapter 15 is also the story of the birth of Local Motion, perhaps the most effective bicycle advocacy group in the U.S. today. It is available free online below. Check it out.